Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common health problem that affects 50% of Americans. It is thought to be caused by too much stomach acid, but that is not accurate and is the reason why decreasing stomach acid may give you temporary relief but not long-term results.
Related symptoms:
- Burning sensation rising up from stomach into chest and throat (heartburn)
- Tightness in throat
- Hoarseness
- Feeling of food stuck in throat
- Bad breath
- Wheezing
- Dental problems
Causes of reflux:
- Immune Challenge
- Too many "bad bugs" in gut
- Diet high in processed foods and sugars (helps feed the bad bacteria)
- Food allergies or sensitivities
- Hiatal hernia (causing stomach acid to rise)
- Medications (particularly those to neutralize stomach acid)
- Low levels of inflammation in stomach lining
Our patients who have dealt with this have seen tremendous results just by identifying the root cause of their symptoms.
Most chronic illnesses are caused by lifestyle choices, poor diet, and stressors.
Stressors are food intolerances, immune system deficiencies, exposure to metal or chemical toxicities, as well as post-pandemic factors.
We use completely natural non-invasive methods and whole food supplementation as well as diet and lifestyle changes to support the body’s own amazing ability to heal.
Your body’s ability to heal itself is greater than anyone has allowed you to believe!
Our Client’s Success Stories
I suffered from acid reflux for many years. It burned so badly that I would at times not eat just to be pain-free. After doing what Pamela advised, I am completely pain-free, NO ACID REFLUX! I am amazed, GO TO HEALING TREE, I keep telling all my friends how Healing Tree helped me!
Just about everything I ate I had to push down with water. Food would get stuck! Sometimes food wouldn’t even go down with water and I would have to wait. After eating most things I would have heartburn, so I went on a prescription for that. The doctor said I would have to be on it for a very long time. Every time I would try to get off of it, the heartburn would come right back.
Now I don’t have it at all! I haven’t taken any heartburn prescriptions. I take what Pamela tested me for and the heart burn is gone!
I would rather take whole-food supplements than prescriptions!
Teresa Mikkelson