Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive neuromuscular technique that helps to identify the root cause of your health problems by testing your organs, glands, and body systems. Using this information, our practitioners develop a personalized program to restore your health.
This approach was developed by combining successful health practices from around the world. These include ancient sources, as well as German, Chinese, and Japanese holistic medicine with modern kinesiology from the West. The method is scientific, accurate, and has been proven effective in identifying various health issues.
What Are We Testing For?
The Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner is testing your body’s neurological reflexes. These reflexes are the body's way of telling us what and how your nervous system is doing. The nervous system regulates the body’s functions for every organ. The testing includes all organs, glands, joints, muscles, and the entire body.
Nutrition Response Testing® analysis also tests for the 6 most common "stressors" that can hinder an individual's response to natural therapies as listed below:
- Allergies to Major Food Groups
- Chemical Toxicity
- Heavy metal Toxicity (i.e., mercury, lead, aluminum)
- Chronic Immune Challenges
- Scars on the surface of the body (including tattoos)
- Post-pandemic factors
These findings are analyzed and your personal Total Health Restoration Program will be designed.
How Do We Get The Body's "Reflex" Information?
Electrical energy flows exist between all parts and organs of the body. This is how your nervous system communicates and controls the body’s functions. These flows can become disrupted for a variety of reasons (i.e., physical or chemical stressors). This disruption in the nervous system’s healthy electrical flows is what we are testing.
Your Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner will do a full scan of your body and organs to determine exactly where the nervous system is being affected negatively by a non-optimum health condition.
The practitioner will do the analysis by contacting your extended arm with one hand while contacting a specific reflex area with the other hand. If the tested reflex is stressed, your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to your extended arm, sending it to the stressed organ or body part. This will cause your extended arm to weaken and drop. This indicates an underlying stress or other dysfunction in that area of your body which may be adversely affecting your health.
How Soon Will I See Improvement?
Although every case is different, we often hear enthusiastic reports from patients in as little as 4-6 weeks. The fastest recoveries are from those who most closely follow their recommended program.
How Important Is It To Stick To My Program?
Generally, chronic health problems do not suddenly develop overnight. They develop over years of improper nutrition, environmental toxins, medication use, and unhealthy lifestyle habits— all of which cause nutritional deficiencies and imbalances that become chronic health problems. Therefore, the sooner and more thoroughly you get started on your program, the sooner you will start to see results.
Your Total Health Restoration Program will be designed to correct your specific health issues. While on the program, you must make changes to the old habits and routines that contributed to your current condition. The Guided Nutrition Coaching portion of the program will provide nutrition and wellness education and help guide you in making the changes necessary to achieve maximum results.
Full and dedicated commitment to the program is what will restore you to optimum health, vitality and well-being.
What Are My Chances For Recovery?
Nutrition Response Testing® has been successfully applied for nearly 3 decades to tens of thousands of patients by hundreds of Doctors and Practitioners across the United States and Canada. In our clinic alone, we have helped hundreds of patients heal their bodies from chronic illness and non-optimum health conditions through Nutrition Response Testing®, Designed Clinical Nutrition, and our Total Health Restoration Program.
Your Initial Day 1 exam and evaluation will determine whether you are a "Nutrition Response Testing® Case". If you are, we believe that nothing else will help you more.
What Happens Next?
You will start the first phase of your customized program called the "Fine-Tuning" phase with weekly treatments for the first 9-18 weeks where you should see a definite improvement in your health. You will then receive a re-exam to determine whether you are ready to move to the "Healing and Observation" phase. This will move your visits to once every two weeks for the next 12 weeks. During this phase, more healing should take place and additional pieces of your total health picture will be revealed and addressed.
Many times after these initial 30 visits, you will see a great deal of improvement in your overall health. Depending on your body's rate of healing and your ability to make the changes necessary, you will either need another "Healing and Observation" phase. If all is going well you could be moved onto the “Maintenance Phase” where your visits will move out to monthly, bi-monthly, or even quarterly. During this phase, your commitment will deepen as you will have experienced many significant health improvements.
We will continue to monitor your progress and adjust your program as needed.
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